Genetic diversity in the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) and mud crab (Scylla spp.) populations of Thailand: conclusion of the study results, benefits and utilizations


  • Panom K. Sodsuk Aquatic Animal Genetics Research and Development Institute, Pathum Thani 12120
  • Srirat Sodsuk Aquatic Animal Genetics Research and Development Institute, Pathum Thani 12120
  • Ponlachart Pewnane Aquatic Animal Genetics Research and Development Institute, Pathum Thani 12120



Portunus pelagicus, Scylla spp., genetic diversity, microsatellite, allozyme


Genetic diversity in blue swimming crab and mud crab populations of Thailand was studied based on the molecular genetic marker techniques, microsatellite and allozyme. Results of the study are as follows: (1) eleven pairs of microsatellite primers were developed and/or tested in the blue swimming crab, and nine pairs in the mud crabs; (2) interspecifically and allozymically, the mud crabs (Scylla spp.) were classified into four species (the “black”, S. olivacea; “white”, S. paramamosain; “green”, S. serrata; and “purple”, S. tranquebarica); (3) with the allozyme-based analysis, the interspecific genetic structure and relationships of all the blue swimming and mud crabs species were clearly shown; (4) with the microsatellite-based analysis, informative knowledge of the genetic variability and variation in the blue swimming and mud crab populations of Thailand, and the interpopulation differentiation and structure within the crab species were attained.


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