Microsatellite markers development and the confirmation test based on parentage analysis in Macrobrachium rosenbergii (DE MAN, 1879)


  • Panom K. Sodsuk Aquatic Animal Genetics Research and Development Institute, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120
  • Srirat Sodsuk Aquatic Animal Genetics Research and Development Institute, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120
  • Ponlachart Pewnane Aquatic Animal Genetics Research and Development Institute, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120
  • Supattra Uraiwan Aquatic Animal Genetics Research and Development Institute, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120




Macrobrachium rosenbergii, microsatellite marker, confirmation test, parentage analysis


Fifteen microsatellite markers in Macrobrachium rosenbergii were developed from 2 oligonucleotides, (AG)10 and (TG)10, which were used as probes in enrichment process. Three types of the repeat motifs including perfect, imperfect and compound repeats were found. All 15 microsatellite primers were tested and optimized for the best reaction in PCR process. Genetic diversity data of the 15 loci, including allele number (Na = 3–11), observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.4444–0.9444) and expected heterozygosity (He = 0.5381–0.9190), were reported by the analysis with a number of 18 Macrobrachium rosenbergii individuals from hatchery stock. Of the 15 loci, 4 loci were significantly different from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (PHWE<0.05) as heterozygote deficiency, which would be very commonly found in hatchery stocks. From a confirmation test based on analyses of 9 father-mother-offspring Macrobrachium rosenbergii families, the “Principle of Segregation” of Mendel was proved to be true for the 15 microsatellite loci. This makes all the 15 microsatellite loci become highly reliable and suitable to be utilized for any further purposes.


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