Inheritance of Shatter Resistance Capsules in Sesame


  • Anchulee Kotcha Department of Agronomy, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand



Inheritance, sesame, shatter resistance, indehiscence, shattering


Inheritance of shatter resistant capsule in sesame was studied on the F2 populations in the three crosses using chi square test for goodness of fit.  The ratios obtained for shatter resistance: shattering fitted the 15:1 and 9:7 in the crosses shatter resistance x shatter resistance (C plus 1 x KUsr6661) and shatter resistance x indehiscence (C plus 1 x UCR5001) respectively.  The results indicating the shatter resistance is caused by two genes with duplicate dominant epistasis and duplicate recessive epistasis respectively. But chi square value of the cross shatter resistance x shattering (C plus 1 x KUAOX 25) could not fit the 9:7 model suggesting that genetic control by two more genes in this cross. The shatter resistance was highly heritable with narrow sense heritability at 0.74, 0.73 and 0.68 respectively. The results suggest that the improvement of sesame lines having high seed yield with highly shatter resistance capsule or high seed retention in capsule could be successful.


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