Comparison of gene expression in glochidia and adult freshwater pearl mussels (Chamberlainia hainesiana) using cDNA-AFLP and differential display techniques
freshwater pearl mussel, Chamberlainia hainesiana, differential display, cDNA-AFLPAbstract
Comparison of gene expression betweenglochidia and adult stages of freshwater pearlmussels, Chamberlainia hainesiana, was performedusing cDNA-AFLP and differential displaytechniques. DNA fingerprints from cDNA-AFLPusing 64 primers combination produced 16 differentDNA bands between glochidia and adult samples,whereas from differential display using 136 random/oligo dT primer pairs produced 14 different DNAbands. Sequencing and BLAST analysis of alldifferentially expressed fragments were reported.All sequences obtained did match the sequences inmantle cDNA library of freshwater pearl mussel,Hyriopsis cumingii Lea. One DNA fragment was apart of gene coding for fasciclin-like protein, one ofthe genes potentially involved in pearl formation.Moreover, DNA marker specific to C. hainesiana,the high level pearl producing mussel, wasdeveloped and tested for specificity comparing toother mussels.References
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