The Journal of Fisheries and Environment, formerly known as Kasetsart University Fisheries Research Bulletin, is published by the Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Thailand. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed research in English, including original research articles and reviews. The Journal publishes all disciplines within fisheries and aquatic environmental sciences, including fishery management, fishery biology, fishery products, aquaculture, and marine science. The Journal of Fisheries and Environment is published three times per year (January-April, May-August, September-December). We welcome submissions from researchers worldwide.

 Open Access  - We provide permanent and free access to our journal for readers.

Issues per year : Three issues per year

Language : English

ISSN : 2630-0702 (print)

eISSN : 2630-0826 (online)

Publication charges : no publication fees for all authors


Scopus accepted JFE for inclusion


We are pleased to announce that JFE has now been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database. All aspects of the journal have been improved with helps, suggestions and supervision from the TCI-TRF-SCOPUS collaboration project.

Vol. 48 No. 1 (2024): January-April

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