Level of Happiness and Model of Enhancing Happiness in Working Of Health Personnels at Yasothon Provincial Public Health Office


  • Rakchanok Noiarsa
  • Prasert Prasomruk


happiness level; model of enhancing happiness; Yasothon province


Background and objectives: The dissatisfaction of working is resulted to the decrease of efficiency, quality and unhappiness in working. This research aims to study 1) level of happiness and develop a model of enhancing happiness in working of health personnel 2) factors related to the level of happiness in working health personnel.

Methods:  This study is survey research focus on a group of health personnel in public health office, Yasothon province. Four hundred and eleven of working health was calculated by using proportion estimation, stratified random sampling and collecting data by interviewed. The precision of questionnaire is 0.87. Data analysis was occurred by using chi-square test, Pearson product moment correlation and multiple regression.

Results:  1)Level of happiness in working was found at high level (mean=3.68, S.D=0.57). 2)Factors related to happiness in working were knowledge, capability, attitude, facility and environment. These factors was able to forecast at p<.001 (Constant=1.053; SEconst=+.180 R=.610; adjR2=.366; F=61.010). 3)Models of enhancing happiness include (1)fulfill basic factors with orientation, preceptor system, obvious of job assignments, remunerating system, and facility, (2)strengthening of structure with well-being and morale, empower, progression, construction of surrounding in working with sibling system and group of the profession care system and (3)assigning tasks, which have challenged has ultimately valued.

Conclusions: Health personnel are so happy in working at high levels. The model of enhancing happiness in working of health personnel should improve including 7 elements such as good orientation, good mentor, good compensation, good facilities, good progress, good relationship and good assignment.


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How to Cite

Noiarsa R, Prasomruk P. Level of Happiness and Model of Enhancing Happiness in Working Of Health Personnels at Yasothon Provincial Public Health Office. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];33(6):595-601. Available from: https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SRIMEDJ/article/view/149336



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