Selected Factors Influencing Risk Management for Workplace Violence of Registered Nurses Working at Regional Hospitals in the Northeast of Thailand


  • Somporn Hongveang
  • Apinya Jumpamool


Selected factors; Risk Management for Workplace Violence; Registered Nurses; Regional hospitals in the Northeast of Thailand.


Background and Objective: At present, risk of workplace violences associated with nurses is increasing. Risk violences include verbal and physical violences. When it occurs, it could affects nurses both body and mind, image of the hospital, including nursing profession. Appropriate management of risk violence in the workplace could enhance patient and nurse safety. The purposes of this descriptive research were to study level of risk management (RM) for workplace violence and to study selected factors that could predict RM for workplace violence by registered nurses (RNs) working in regional hospitals in the Northeast of Thailand.

Methods: This descriptive research was to study in 241 RNs samples working in Regional Hospitals in the Northeast of Thailand. The study instruments were questionnaires asking for 1) personal factors (demographic data and attitude of RM) 2) organizational factors and 3) RM for workplace violence. Reliability testing of organizational factors and the RM for workplace violence was done and computed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient equal to 0.92 and 0.94, respectively. Data were analyzed and presented as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

Results: Overall, the level of RM for workplace violence by RN was high (x̄=3.81, S.D.= ± 0.78). Factors related to RM were: personal factor (time to provide services, training of RM and attitude of RM) which     r=-.153, r=.622, r=.483 respectively, organizational factors (safety culture and participative management) which r=.632 and r=.533. Significant predictive factors of RM for workplace violence were personal factor (attitude), organizational factors as safety culture (work assignment and supporting team), and participative management. These predictors could be used to predict the RM for workplace violence and together explained 47 percent of variance.

Conclusion: Significant selected factors to predict the RM for workplace violence were personal factor (attitude), organizational factors as safety culture (work assignment and supporting team), and participative management.


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How to Cite

Hongveang S, Jumpamool A. Selected Factors Influencing Risk Management for Workplace Violence of Registered Nurses Working at Regional Hospitals in the Northeast of Thailand. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];34(2):190-7. Available from:



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