Dietary Calcium Intake of University Students with Self-reported Lactose Intolerance


  • Suchittra Samuhasaneeto


milk consumption; dietary calcium intake; self-reported lactose intolerance


Background and Objective: People who have lactose intolerance tend to avoid milk consumption. This leads to inadequate calcium intake and development of osteoporosis. The present study examined dietary calcium intake of university students with self-reported lactose intolerance.

Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in students of Walailak University. Three hundred and eighty-three samples were selected through simple random sampling method. Gastrointestinal symptoms, milk consumption behavior and dietary calcium intake were assessed using interviewer administered questionnaire.

Result: Most of the students were female (66.84%). The mean age was 19.76 ± 1.32 years and 38.12% had self-reported lactose intolerance. The most common symptom of lactose intolerance was abdominal pain (65.07%). There was no statistical significance between students with self-reported lactose intolerance and those without in daily calcium intake. Eighty-one percent had less dietary calcium intake than half of the recommended level. The major food sources of dietary calcium intake was leafy green vegetables (53.53%) followed by milk and milk product (42.30%).

Conclusion: Students with self-reported lactose intolerance and those without did not meet dietary recommended calcium intake level. Calcium-rich foods consumption should be promoted.


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How to Cite

Samuhasaneeto S. Dietary Calcium Intake of University Students with Self-reported Lactose Intolerance. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2019 May 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];34(3):276-80. available from:



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