Exacerbations Free After Stopping Inhaled Budesonide and Safety of Inhaled Budesonide in Asthmatic Patients Aged 1 – 5 Years: A Retrospective Study


  • อนัญญา สองเมือง
  • สุรศักดิ์ ไชยสงค์
  • วัชรา บุญสวัสดิ์
  • อรอนงค์ วลีขจรเลิศ


childhood asthma; budesonide; Inhaled corticosteroids; safety; step-down


Background and objectives: The previous study reported successful in stopping budesonide inhaler (BUD) use in asthmatic patients aged 1 – 5 years. But exacerbation after stopping BUD and safety are still doubtful. The objective of this study was to determine exacerbation after stopping BUD and effect of BUD use on abnormal growth.

Methods: Electronic medical record was retrospectively reviewed from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2016 to identify an asthma patient aged 1-5 years who was treated with BUD. A multiple logistic regression was applied to examine associations between the patterns of BUD uses and 6, 24 months after BUD stopping success. A cox-proportional hazard regression was applied to examine associations between the patterns of BUD uses and 24 months after BUD stopping success. Abnormal growth was analyzed by using nonparametric statistics.

Results: From overall 648 patients, 71.9% and 56.3% could control their symptom 6 and 24 months after BUD stopping success, respectively. After adjusting for patients’ characteristics for 6 months after BUD stopping success, duration of continuing asthma control before stepping down for at least 12 months, and the number of reliever a year would increase odds of successful to control the symptom after BUD stopping success (OR=1.61, 95% CI 1.08-2.38, p=0.019, OR=5.03, 95% CI 1.71-14.79, p=0.003, respectively) whereas history of admission would decrease odds of successful to control the symptom after BUD stopping success (OR=0.48, 95% CI 0.27-0.85, p=0.013). After BUD stopping success for 24 months, history of admission would increase risk of asthma exacerbation (HR=1.67, 95% CI 1.06-2.63, p=0.028) whereas female would decrease risk of asthma exacerbation (HR=0.70, 95% CI 0.51-0.97, p=0.030). There was no effect on both under weight and height for 400 and 800 mcg/day of BUD use.

Conclusion: Around half of asthmatic patients aged 1-5 years could discontinue BUD for 24 months with consideration of gender and history of admission. Dose of BUD was no effect on both under weight and height.


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How to Cite

สองเมือง อ, ไชยสงค์ ส, บุญสวัสดิ์ ว, วลีขจรเลิศ อ. Exacerbations Free After Stopping Inhaled Budesonide and Safety of Inhaled Budesonide in Asthmatic Patients Aged 1 – 5 Years: A Retrospective Study. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];34(4):343-5. Available from: https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SRIMEDJ/article/view/200749



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