The Evaluation of the Strength of Design and Usage of the Local Health Charter in Population Perspective, Amnat Charoen Province


  • ทนงศักดิ์ พลอาษา
  • ประเสริฐ ประสมรักษ์


Empowerment evaluation; Strength level; Creating and using local health charter


Background and Objective: Amnat Charoen province had design and usage of health charter in community to create happiness for people continuously but the strength point of evaluation form were not created yet. This work aimed to evaluation of design and usage of the health charter and comparison the difference of acknowledgment, satisfaction with strength of creating and using the health charter.

Methods: This survey research collected data from 395 stake-holders by using the Krejcie & Morgan table calculated. The collected data were using health charter assessment form and interviewed family’s leaders with 18 years old and over. The collected data were questionnaires created by the researcher which has a confidence value of 0.83. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression by using the level of strength cut at level A and above.

Results: The most populations evaluated of design and usage of the health charter  in C level of acknowledgment, satisfaction with strength of creating and using the health charter. The results indicated in 395 stake-holders were mostly female (83.0%), average aged 44.83± 10.22 years old with married status. They have got a high school graduation (34.9%) and most of them have known the information about health charter (84.1%) and attended to the community and the activities of health charter (84.3%). There was only half of sample has perceived and satisfaction of the design and usage of health charter in high level (50.9%). The level of perceives and satisfaction was significantly correlated with the level of strength in design and usage of health charter (p <.001).

Conclusions: the evaluation of design and usage of the health charter  of most population were at C level. Therefore, the different level of acknowledgment and satisfaction was significantly effect to the evaluation of design and usage of health charter.


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How to Cite

พลอาษา ท, ประสมรักษ์ ป. The Evaluation of the Strength of Design and Usage of the Local Health Charter in Population Perspective, Amnat Charoen Province. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];34(4):379-85. Available from:



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