Comparison of Prevalence of Liver Fluke Infection, Knowledge and Prevention Behavior between Risk Groups of Rural and Urban Community Around Water Reservoir Area


  • Prasert Prasomruk Amnatcharoen campus Mahidol University Amnatcharoen province 37000


Liver fluke; Reservoir; Urban; Rural


Principle and Objectives: The increasing of incidence of liver fluke infection was found due to food consumption behavior factor which related to insufficient knowledge and different of social-cultural characteristics. Therefore, comparison of the prevalence of liver fluke infection, knowledge and prevention behavior between risk groups of  rural and urban community around water reservoir area  were studied.

Method:  Cross-sectional analytical study was used in people aged 40 years old and above, the sample size was calculated by proportional estimate equation with 101 people in each group. The data was collected by questionnaire. Kato's thick smear technique was applied for liver fluke infection test. The chi square test was used in this research with OR, 95% CI OR

Results: Most of the participants in both groups were men with age between 40-49 yrs. with marital status and had elementary education. The average monthly incomes lower than 3,000 baht per month and worked in agricultural. Most of them used to eat fish the community reservoir, used to check liver fluke infection in 3 years and used to eat risk foods. The comparison of the prevalence, knowledge and risk behaviors associated with liver fluke infection was found significantly different at p= .015, .035 and <.001, respectively. The results revealed that the prevalence and risk behavior of liver fluke infection in the risk group of urban community was lower than rural community but the knowledge was higher than rural community.

Conclusions: the prevalence and risk behavior of liver fluke infection in the risk group of rural area was higher than the risk group in the urban area but the knowledge was lower. Therefore, promoting of knowledge and activities to change the risk behaviors of liver fluke infection among the people lives in rural community around water reservoir area shoud be performed.


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How to Cite

Prasomruk P. Comparison of Prevalence of Liver Fluke Infection, Knowledge and Prevention Behavior between Risk Groups of Rural and Urban Community Around Water Reservoir Area. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2019 Nov. 18 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];34(6):628-34. available from:



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