Body Tanpura Therapy : An Alternative Music Instrumental Therapy for Taking Care of the End–stage Patients


  • Vich Boonrod Department of Music, Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University


Tanpura; Music Therapy; Alternative Therapy


Music Therapy is one of the disciplines that has been used in taking care of the end of life patients since 1970, and it has been accepted worldwide currently. The Body Tanpura is an instrument that was applied from “Tanpura”, the ancient India music instruments. It was developed in respect to the requirement of a German music therapist who used it in providing music therapy to the coma patients that have to stay in bed.   

Results of research studies have revealed that the use of Body Tanpura in music therapy had positive impacts on physical health and mental health of the patients. It made the patients felt relax, calm, stimulated blood circulation, encourage positive mood, decrease depression symptom, and create the will to live. The use of this instrument also helped reduce the tension among the patient’s relatives with others.

The effectiveness of the Body Tanpura has made this instrument an interesting choice for worldwide music therapist. Moreover, the idea of modifying Tanpura to be appropriate with the patients’ body, can be an inspiration and a sparking of the idea for Thai therapists in adjusting Thai musical instruments to be appropriate in providing therapy to the patient. This adaptation may encourage better result in the music therapy, as well as, will help extend the knowledge of the music therapy science in the future. 


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How to Cite

Boonrod V. Body Tanpura Therapy : An Alternative Music Instrumental Therapy for Taking Care of the End–stage Patients. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2019 Nov. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];34(6):642-8. available from:



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