Prototype of Internet GIS Supporting the Community-Dwelling Elderly Healthcare


  • Watcharaporn Taburee Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University
  • Chingchai Hoomhong Regional Center of Geo-Informatics and Space Technology, Lower Northern Region, Naresuan University
  • Chada Narongrit Department of Agricutural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Naresuan University


Geographic Information System (GIS); Family Medicine; Community; Elderly; Home care


Background and Objective:  Health information management is important for the community-dwelling elderly healthcare services. This study aimed to develop and evaluate the prototype of Internet GIS in order to support task of the community-dwelling elderly healthcare.

Methods: The health data collected from 384 elders were surveyed and analyzed prior to be developed the Internet GIS by using open source software. The developed Internet GIS was finally evaluated for the users’ satisfactions and system efficiencies by 30 healthcare providers.

Results:  The advantages of the elderly’s database in this study can be searched and displayed as a map which can depict destination routed to elder’s houses.  After using the Internet GIS, users were very satisfied because this Internet GIS can increase efficiency and convenience for the task of the elderly homecare.

Conclusion: The Internet GIS prototype is useful for family medicine works because it is able to increase the efficiency of retrieving the elderly health information either individual elderly or overview of the elderly health in the study area.


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How to Cite

Taburee W, Hoomhong C, Narongrit C. Prototype of Internet GIS Supporting the Community-Dwelling Elderly Healthcare. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];35(1):59-65. Available from:



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