Factor Associated with Competency of Nurse Anesthetists to Assist Anesthesiologist in Performing Peripheral Nerve Block


  • Rongrong Rueangchira-urai Anesthesiology Department, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkla University Thailand 90110
  • Somrutai Boonchuduang Anesthesiology Department, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkla University Thailand 90110
  • Wisara Woraathasin Anesthesiology Department, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkla University Thailand 90110
  • Maliwan Oofuvong Anesthesiology Department, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkla University Thailand 90110


Competency, nurse anesthetists, peripheral nerve block


Background and objective: Competencies of knowledge, skill, and attitudes of nurse anesthetists may influence on successfulness of peripheral nerve block done by anesthesiologists. This study is to determine factors associated with competencies of nurse anesthetists assisting anesthesiologist in peripheral nerve block procedure.

Methods: This was a prospective cohort study at Songklanagarind hospital. All nurse anesthetists were initially received pretest (knowledge and skill) for assisting in peripheral nerve block procedure before underwent for ultrasound training (one-hour lecture and 20 minutes workshop). The posttests consisting of 3 categories (knowledge, skill and attitude) were evaluated 2 months after training. Then the pretest and posttest scores were compared as well as the factors associated with posttest score for each category was performed. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: The response rate was 87% (55/63). The mean age of participants was 33.09 + 9.55 years. Posttest scores regarding knowledge, and skill were significantly higher than pretest score (p<0.001). Factor associated with higher knowledge of nurse anesthetists was younger age and longer years of working experience (p = 0.01). Factors associated with higher skill of nurse anesthetists was master degree of graduation (compared with bachelor degree) (p = 0.002).

Conclusion: A comprehensive ultrasound training in conjunction with younger age but longer years of working experience of nurse anesthetist are significant factors associated with knowledge competency in nurse anesthetists whereas higher degree of graduation is significant factor associated with skill competency in nurse anesthetists assisting anesthesiologist to perform peripheral nerve block.


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How to Cite

Rueangchira-urai R, Boonchuduang S, Woraathasin W, Oofuvong M. Factor Associated with Competency of Nurse Anesthetists to Assist Anesthesiologist in Performing Peripheral Nerve Block. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2021 Apr. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];36(2):209-16. available from: https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SRIMEDJ/article/view/249586



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