Prevalence and Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction in Systemic Sclerosis


  • Kittikorn Duangkum Department of Medicine, Khon Kaen Hospital.
  • Kusuman Sriphuwong Department of Medicine, Khon Kaen Hospital.
  • Pimchanok Tantiwong Department of Medicine, Khon Kaen Hospital.
  • Thida Phungtaharn Department of Medicine, Khon Kaen Hospital.


Systemic sclerosis; scleroderma; prevalence; risk factor; erectile dysfunction


Background and Objective: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a systemic autoimmune disease which associate with erectile dysfunction (ED). However, there was no previous study in Thailand. This research aimed to study the prevalence and risk factors of ED in SSc patients.

Methods : A cross-sectional analytical research to explore the prevalence and risk factors of ED in SSc patients at the outpatient department of Khon Kaen Hospital during 2nd May 2017 – 31st May 2018 using the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) questionnaire.

Results : A total of 59 male participants found that 93.22% had ED and did not attempt intercourse. A 45.76% did not attempt intercourse. In the sexually active group 32 men, the prevalence of ED was 87.5% (95% CI, 71.01-96.49) which 43.75% were severe ED, 3.13% were moderate ED, 12.5% were mild to moderate ED, 28.12% had mild ED, while only 12.5% had no ED. Risk factor of ED is diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dcSSc) with Odds ratio 10.57 (95%CI, 1.08-103.59, p= 0.043).

Conclusions :  The majority of male SSc patients had ED and did not attempt intercourse. The significant risk factor is dcSSc.


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How to Cite

Duangkum K, Sriphuwong K, Tantiwong P, Phungtaharn T. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction in Systemic Sclerosis. SRIMEDJ [internet]. 2021 Aug. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];36(4):409-15. available from:



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