Incidence of Suicidal Attempts at Emergency Department Khon Kaen Hospital During the COVID-19 Pandemic
suicidal attempt, suicidal behavior, COVID-19Abstract
Background and objective: Suicide is a major health problem globally and causes of premature deaths. Suicide rate and method vary depending on the various factors including sex, age and society. Suicide rate in Khon Kaen province, Thailand, has increased in the recent year. Study of suicidal attempt incidence and methods could promote healthcare workers to understand and prepare for initial treatment properly, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic has been involved. This study aimed to study the incidence and method of suicide in order to understand the suicidal behavior which would help to prevent the suicidal event, and prepare to handle the treatable cause of suicidal attempt.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive study. All data were collected from medical records of suicidal attempts patients, who visited Emergency Department (ED) at Khon Kaen Hospital between March 2020 and July 2021. The descriptive statistics were used for all data analyzed.
Results: There were 408 suicide attempted cases. The majority were female (53.2%), age group between 15 and 24 (32.8%), single status (64.2%), employee (48.5%). The major methods were drug overdose (39.0%) and chemical substances (33.8%). Acetaminophen and toilet cleaners were dominantly agent for suicidal method.
Conclusion: The incidence of patients who attempt suicide during the COVID-19 was 30 %. Female and age group of 15 and 24 are dominant factor. Drug overdose and chemical substances used were the most common method of suicide.
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