Treatment of a Large Radicular Cyst with Interdisciplinary of Endodontics and Maxillofacial Surgery: Case Report


  • Kaidsarin Charoensangsuriya Dental Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration General Hospital, Pom Prap Sattru Phai , Bangkok 10110


radicular cysts, marsupialization, enucleations, endodontic surgery


 Background and Objective: Radicular cysts are odontogenic infection in origin. They arise from epithelial cell rests of Malassez in the periodontal ligament as a result of periapical  inflammation which affect the jaw. The treatment of radicular cysts can be managed surgically or non-surgically depending on the site and size of the lesion. This case report presents the successful treatment of a large radicular cyst size approximately 40x15 mm2 with Interdisciplinary of endodontics and maxillofacial surgery  which was associated with maxillary lateral incisor with open apex. Subsequently, the patient had follow up visit at 10 years and the pathology of lesion had progressed better.

Method: A large radicular cyst was decided to treat with conventional root canal therapy at left maxillary incisor and marsupialization in order to avoid damage to adjacent anatomical structures. Patients were followed routine  with clinical and radiological examination. Enucleation  and endodontic surgery were obtained by apicoectomy and retrograde filling with mineral trioxide aggregation. Histopathological examination was identified suggestive of  radicular cyst.

Results :  The patient was recalled during 10 years follow-up period, no symptoms or signs were noted. Radiograph showed the healing lesion.

Conclusion: Diagnosis of  a case report is  pulp necrosis  with  symptomatic  apical  periodontitis   with  a large radicular cyst . The success of treating this patient is due to the interdisciplinary  planning of endodontic and maxillofacial surgery treatments.


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How to Cite

Charoensangsuriya K. Treatment of a Large Radicular Cyst with Interdisciplinary of Endodontics and Maxillofacial Surgery: Case Report. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];38(2):179-86. Available from:



Case report