Factors Related to the Recent Development of Latent Tuberculosis Infection at One Year Follow up of Health Personnel in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Thailand; a Historical Cohort Study
pulmonary tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis infection, health personnel, hospitalAbstract
Background and Objective: Health workers (HW) are at risk of the recent development of latent tuberculosis infection (recent development of LTBI) and the common sources are work activities and working environment. There is limitation of the causes relating to recent development of LTBI among HW in Thailand. The objectives of this study were to examine 1) the association between working with pulmonary TB patients in the enclosed area and the recent development of latent tuberculosis infection (recent development of LTBI) among health workers. 2) To examine the association between the work description and work environment factors of health workers and the recent development of LTBI
Design and methodology: A historical cohort study was conducted. The study population were divided into two groups; 1) the HW who contacted pulmonary TB in the enclosed area (n=66) and 2) the HW who contacted pulmonary TB in the open area (n=66). Data were analyzed using inferential statistics i.e. RR, OR and 95% CI.
Result: There were nine cases of the recent development of LTBI which belonged to the HW contacting pulmonary TB in the enclosed area five cases and four cases revealed in the HW contacting pulmonary TB in the open area. A contacting of pulmonary TB in the enclosed area revealed RR= 1.25 (95%CI: 0.35, 4.45). Considering other working factors using a case-control study, only a close contact to pulmonary TB ≥ 3 cases per year as a representative of frequencies and duration of exposure was statistical significance (OR= 8.02, 95%CI: 1.39, 40.3). A working with aerosol generating procedures, N95 respirator using and sizes of the patient rooms did not show any statistical significance due to insufficient sample size for the analyses.
Conclusion: Working with pulmonary TB in an enclosed area may not be the main cause of recent TB. Frequency and duration of working with pulmonary TB may be the main risk factors relating to a recent development of LTBI. A further cohort study is required.
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