Pregnant Outcomes, Pregnancy Delivery, Risk Factors and Nursing Care in Pregnant Women with Placenta Accreta Spectrum in the Delivery Room Unit, Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen Province, Thailand
placenta accreta spectrum, cesarean section with hysterectomy, Srinagarind HospitalAbstract
Background and Objectives: Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) was a high risk to pregnant woman and infant. The purposes of this research were to study pregnancy outcomes, childbirth, risk factors and nursing care in pregnant women with placenta accreta spectrum.
Results: A sample of 36 cases detected placenta accreta spectrum before birth (97.23%), detected during placental delivery (2.77%), gestational age at birth more than 34 weeks (52.80%), cesarean section and hysterectomy (91.67%), planned birth (72.24%), neonatal weight 1,001-2,500 grams (75.68%), neonatal resuscitation (68.86%), infants transferred to neonatal intensive care unit (56.76%). Risk factors include the number of pregnancies, cesarean section, curettage, miscarriage, and placental abruption. Pregnant women were cared according to the practice guidelines.
Conclusion: Pregnant women who were detected with PAS before birth underwent a cesarean section and hysterectomy. Most were premature births, neonatal resuscitation, infants transferred to neonatal intensive care unit. Risk factors include the number of pregnancies, cesarean section, curettage, miscarriage, and placental abruption. Pregnant women were cared according to the practice guidelines.
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