Factor Influencing E-cigarette use During Pregnancy: A Convergent Analysis Review
Background and Objectives: The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) among pregnant women is rising globally. However, the health impacts on both mothers and fetuses remain insufficiently explored. This study aims to conduct a systematic review focused on identifying factors influencing e-cigarette use in pregnant women.
Methods: This systematic review gathered research articles published between 2014 and 2024 from major academic databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and CINAHL using keywords relevant to e-cigarette use in pregnancy. Selected studies were analyzed through convergent synthesis methods, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to identify factors associated with e-cigarette use decisions during pregnancy.
Results: A review of 17 studies, including 13 quantitative studies and 4 qualitative studies, revealed five primary factors influencing e-cigarette use among pregnant women: individual factors (such as age and attitudes), beliefs about the risks and benefits of e-cigarettes, social influences (including family and peer effects), perceptions shaped by online media, and recommendations from healthcare professionals.
Conclusion: Findings underscore the need for comprehensive and accurate information dissemination to pregnant women regarding the risks associated with e-cigarette use. Developing targeted interventions to reduce e-cigarette usage in this population is essential.
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