The Prevalence of Oportunistic Bacterial Pathogens the Isolated from Clinical Specimens of Patients at Roi Et Hospital in 2017


  • Nuntiput Putthanachote
  • Siriporn Munjit
  • Narin Prathumkhan
  • Narongchai Sangsa
  • Satchawan Phuangsriken
  • Jumrusluk Charoensaen
  • Orathai PongKaew
  • Wongklang Gudwongsa
  • Pongdech Sarakran
  • Kumaleeporn Treesorn
  • Paphatchaya Kucharin


Prevalence; Nosocomial; Specimens


Background and Objective: the oportunistic bacterial infection is the majority problem on medical and public health in Thailand and others countries worldwide. At present the problem of anti-microbial resistant are increases. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of oportunistic bacterial infection the isolations from clinical specimens of patients at Roi Et Hospital.

Methods: this study was descriptive study, all data were clinical specimens culture of respiratory tract system, urinary tract system and blood stream. The data were retrieved from medical recorded and data from department of Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, Roi Et Hospital, Roi Et Province during January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017. The descriptive statistics were used for all data analysis.  

Results: the total number of bacterial isolation from clinical specimens of patients at Roi Et Hospital during January 1 2017 to December 31, 2017 were 15, 367 isolations. The most common bacterial isolation found were E. coli 16.31%, A. baumannii 15.10 %, K. pneumoniae 13.45%, and  P. aeruginosa 11.22%. The total respiratory tract isolation were  5,968 isolates  and the most common bacterial found were  A.baumannii 27.58%,  K. pneumoniae 21.26%, P. aeruginosa 20.69 %, and E. coli 5.53%. The total urinary tract isolation were  3,266 isolates and the most common were found E. coli 34.91%,  Enterococcus spp. 29.52%,  K. pneumonia 10.47%, and P. aeruginosa 6.12%.  The total blood stream isolation were 4,082 isolates and the most common found were Coagulase Negative Staphylococci 27.14%,  E. coli 14.80 %,  B. pseudomallei 8.79%, and  S. aureus 8.21 %.

Conclusion: The total positive results from clinical specimen culture were 15, 367 isolations. The highest frequency isolations found were E.coli, A.baumannii, K.pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa. The respiratory tract and urinary tract system most commonly found were A.baumannii, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa and      E. coli. The blood stream most commonly found were Coagulase Negative Staphylococci, E. coli,                     B. pseudomallei and Staphylococcus aureus.


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How to Cite

Putthanachote N, Munjit S, Prathumkhan N, Sangsa N, Phuangsriken S, Charoensaen J, PongKaew O, Gudwongsa W, Sarakran P, Treesorn K, Kucharin P. The Prevalence of Oportunistic Bacterial Pathogens the Isolated from Clinical Specimens of Patients at Roi Et Hospital in 2017. SRIMEDJ [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 6 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];33(6):358-65. Available from:



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