Evaluation of the 5th Year Medical students’ Observtion Project of Basic Health Care, the Role of Community Health Officers, and the Rural Development of Local Philosophers, 1991.


  • Narumon Sinsupan
  • Chalor Intarakhao
  • Pattapong Kessomboon
  • Kamonsin Chata
  • Pisit Jodking


The objectives of the 5th year medical students’ 1991 observations of basic health care, the activity of community Health Officers, and the rural development of local philosophers are as follows:

1.  The acknowledgement of basic health care work, including its obstacles in each province in the northeast.  2.  The acknowledgement of the District’s public health activity, including the obstacles-encountered, in order to allow a better understanding and cooperation for students in the future.  3.  The acknowledgement of rural development Problems including interesting community leader’s development methods.  4.  To be an educational medium for the other students who do not have the opportunity to observe the activities in the area.

The result of evaluation of students, provincial health officer, community health officer, local philosopher and the instructors who joined this observation has shown that the objectives were achieved.  Moreover the students could see the real situation of medical practice and the new track of rural development based on Benefit Minimum Health Needs, which is used to estimate by the workers in the Community.  They also had an opportunity to observe the basic health care working system at the district level by observing a Community Health Team.  The acknowledgement of the problems and the genuine practitioners in each area where there were different problems and various solving methods were seen.  The instructors also had the opportunity to learn about the new rural development system, so that it could be an inspiration in arranging educational programmes for the students of each year.

In addition, there was a linkage of knowledge among provincial health officers, community health officers, the directors of community hospitals, the staff of sub-districts health officer and local philosophers.  This will help promote close collaboration between these community institutes.
