
  • Tarangkoon Somtip Drug Information Service, Department of Pharmacy, Jainad Narendra Hospital, Chainat
  • Nantawarn Kitikannakorn Department of Pharmaceutical Care, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai




Automatic drug answering system, Drug information service, Line@ Application


The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the efficiency of the Line@ Application for its potential use as a drug-information system that could provide an answering service for questions relating to medicine, in Jainad Narendra Hospital. Phase 1 involved the development of a tool to perform this task through group discussions and brainstorming sessions of 5 specially selected people. Example questions about medicine were selected for use in the study, and a process was developed using Line@ Application to create an automatic drug-answering service. Phase II was a quasi-experimental study. Line@ Application was trialled in a live setting as a drug-information question-answering system from 1 August 2019 to 30 October 2019.  Data were collected by tracking participants’ use of the system, with the results presented onscreen. These results were combined with the results of an online questionnaire completed by participants in the trial. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The results found 3 types of questions selected into the study were: 1) Dosage and administration - 62 questions.  2) Y-site compatibility - 21 questions, and 3) Stability and storage - 15 questions. Users had to use predetermined keywords in order to carry out a search. The results showed that of the questions selected for use in the study and included in the Line@ Application database, 51 were asked by the participants. 32 online questionnaires were completed and returned (64 %). With respect to its service capacity, Line@ Application was able to provide answers within 1 minute (92.16 %). This represents a reduction from the usual waiting time of 7 minutes. The answers provided were all correct (100 %). The application proved to be capable of meeting the demands of the users, reducing the redundant process of pharmacists that occurred in the old process. From the perspective of usability, the participants reported that they were satisfied with Line@ Application (96.87 %). They thought the Line@ Application was easy to use (100 %) and that it provided them with useful drug information (100 %). It clearly fulfilled the users’ expectations. The automatic drug-answering service through Line@ Application should be further developed for use in the provincial network of drug information services.


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How to Cite

Somtip, T., & Kitikannakorn, N. . (2021). EFFICIENCY OF LINE@ APPLICATION TOWARDS DRUG – INFORMATION QUESTION – ANSWERING SYSTEM AT JAINAD NARENDRA HOSPITAL. Thai Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16(1), 45–60. https://doi.org/10.69598/tbps.16.1.45-60



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