
  • Tunyanuch Opanasopit Pakchongnana Hospital, Nakhonratchasima
  • Nisita Natprayut Social medicine department, Maharat Nakhonratchasima Hospital, Nakhonratchasima
  • Nongnart Juanjang Social medicine department, Maharat Nakhonratchasima Hospital, Nakhonratchasima
  • Krit Ounpong Social medicine department, Maharat Nakhonratchasima Hospital, Nakhonratchasima




overweight, obesity, peer support group, self-regulation, LINE application


This study aimed to investigate the effects of self-regulation programs with a peer support group program through LINE application for weight control of healthcare providers. Self-regulation programs can help to change a person's behavior to their desired one. There are three parts of self-regulation including self-observation, a judgment process, and self-reflection. The participants of this study were the staff of Pakchongnana Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, with a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 23 kg/m2. Thirty-two volunteers of the age 21-57 years old were included in the study, whilst 84.4% were female. The mean weight was 80.80 ± 15.04 kg, and the mean BMI was 30.96 ± 4.73 kg/m2. Subsequent to the peer support group program with self-discipline via LINE application with face-to-face and LINE group activities for 12 weeks, the results revealed that the participants' weight, BMI, and waist circumference were significantly reduced after 12 weeks (p < 0.05) compared with their baselines. In conclusion, the self-regulation program with a peer support group through LINE application is useful in controlling weight by exchanging knowledge and experiences along with group support in the LINE group which guided the participants to self-observations, judgments, and self-reactions on eating and exercise behavior leading to behavioral changes resulting in weight loss.


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How to Cite

Opanasopit, T., Natprayut, N. ., Juanjang, N. ., & Ounpong, K. . (2021). EFFECTS OF SELF-REGULATION PROGRAM WITH PEER SUPPORT GROUP THROUGH LINE APPLICATION FOR WEIGHT CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS. Thai Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16(1), 109–121. https://doi.org/10.69598/tbps.16.1.109-121



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