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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

 Scope and Purpose

  • Journal of Physiological and Biomedical Sciences (JPBS) is a peer-reviewed journal of physiological and biomedical sciences. JPBS considers full-length original articles related to experimental and clinical research, scientific reviews, and short scientific communications in the field of physiological and biomedical sciences. These include not only physiology in the narrow sense but also functionally oriented research in biochemistry, biophysics, pathophysiology, pharmacology and other related biomedical disciplines. Clinical studies which are of fundamental importance and have direct bearing on the science of structure and function of the organism are also welcomed. Reviews on topics pertaining to physiology and physiologist career, such as physiological teaching and education, will be considered. Unsolicited reviews, case reports, as well as letters to the editor can also be submitted for publication. 

    Journal of Physiological and Biomedical Sciences, the official journal of the Physiological Society of Thailand, is published biannually. Starting from volume 30 (2017), the issues are January-June and July-December.

Types of Articles

  1. Original articles.  These are complete papers of experimental research in any branch of physiological sciences. The articles accepted for publication will be made upon the consideration that they describe significant and new findings and that adequate experimental details are given.
  2. Reviews.  These are articles that review current research work in the area that has major advancement or of interests by the readers. The papers may be invited and/or reviewed by referees and the authors are fully responsible of their articles. Contributors must follow the general instructions where applicable.
  3. Short research communications.  These are short reports of experimental research, which have been considered that the results should be distributed quickly. The experimental data recently displayed in any scientific meeting are also encouraged for publication. The maximum length allowance is 1500 words.
  4. Editorial comments.  These can be invited articles commenting the research article published in the same issue of the journal or unsolicited commentaries on current topics of interest.  The maximum length allowance will be 1500 words.
  5. Case report.   A maximum of 2 figures and 1 table are allowed with up to 10 references.  The maximum length allowance is 1500 words.
  6. Letter to the editor.  A letter should be no longer than 1,000 words with no more than 1 figure and/or 1 table and should discuss or comment on an article previously published in the JPBS. A short research letter is also considered to be published under this category. Up to 10 references are allowed.

Ethical Consideration

  • Research ethics.  Research involving animals must adhere to NIH Guiding Principles in the Care and Use of Animals. Investigations involving humans or animals must conform to ethical principles, and a statement of protocol approval from an IRB, IACUC, or equivalent must be included in the methods section of the paper. Manuscripts reporting the results of experiments on human subjects, including healthy volunteers, must obtain written informed consent, which must be stated in the manuscript.
  • Plagiarism policy. The editorial board will not tolerate plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. All manuscripts will be screened for duplication prior to reviewer assignment. Only original works will be accepted. All manuscripts must contain appropriate citation of works or quotation of words by others.

Manuscript Submission and Review Process

  • Manuscript files can be submitted via the Online Submission page which can be accessed through or  All manuscripts are first checked for duplication with existing literature. Then they will be subjected to double-blind reviews by at least two independent referees who are experts in relevant fields. Final decision will be decided by the Editor-in-Chief, after which the corresponding author will be informed of the result. For accepted manuscript, a formal acceptance letter can be issued upon request.

Cover Letter

Authors must include a cover letter addressed to the editor with the following information:

  1. Confirmation that the submitted manuscript has been approved by all authors for submission to JPBS.
  2. Disclosure of whether the manuscript is under consideration for publication by other journals.
  3. Statement that the manuscript will not be submitted to any other journals while under consideration by JPBS.
  4. Optional: Suggestion of 2-3 names of potential reviewers. However, please note that the editor may or may not select these suggested reviewers.

Manuscript Preparation

  1. Manuscripts must be typewritten in English (US) with double-spacing throughout and with all margins at least 2 cm.  Times New Roman (size 12) alphabets are recommended.
  2. Manuscripts should be concisely written in a readily understandable style. Technical jargon, laboratory slang or words not defined in dictionaries should not be used. Abbreviations should be avoided. They must not be used as a short form for experimental procedures or for contents. Redundant words, phrases, and sentences should not be used. For example, the captions to Tables and Figures, with or without paraphrasing, should not be repeated in the text.
  3. Each manuscript should be prepared in the following order.
    (a) Title page: The title page should have the title, full names and degrees of each author, each author’s affiliation, and the name and address of the corresponding author. The title length should not exceed 25 words.
    (b) Abstract: Each original article, short research communication, and case report should contain structured abstract of no more than 300 words and should include background, methods, results, conclusions. For reviews, unstructured abstract of up to 150 words is required.  Editorial and letter to the editor do not need an abstract.  Five suitable keywords must be given at the end of the abstract.
    (c) Content: All original articles, short research communications, and case reports should be prepared in the following order.  Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Conflict of interest, References, Figure Legends, Tables, and Figures.
              Introduction: An introductory statement should first "set the scene" for a non-specialist and then continue with the specific reasons for undertaking the investigation. The main objective of the study must be clearly indicated. Exhaustive reviews of the literature should be avoided and no attempt should be made to indicate the results obtained.
              Materials and Methods: In this section, experimental procedures used should be given in sufficient details to permit the repetition of the work by others. However, published procedures should only be briefly summarized and only described in details if they have been substantially modified. Special chemicals, drugs, etc. with their sources of supply should also be described.
              Results: The findings should be concisely and sequentially described without discussion of their significance. All Tables and Figures of the result must be cited in the text. Sub-sections should be used in order to clarify the expression of the results.
              Discussion: The authors' interpretations of their findings should be accompanied by an assessment of their significance in relation to previous works and possible mechanisms should be proposed. Repetition of material given under "Results" should be avoided. Sub-sections should be used wherever possible. Stating the main finding in the first paragraph and the conclusion at the end is recommended.
              Acknowledgements: All sources of funding supports and contributions from co-workers should be stated here.
              Conflict of interest: Each author’s conflict of interest is to be declared.  If there is no conflict of interest, “None to declare” should be stated.
              References:  The Vancouver system should be used.  In the text, references should be cited numerically in the order as they appear, each identified by an arabic number as superscripts.  The number(s) must be put after a punctuation.  For example, "Osteoporosis is an asymptomatic bone disease.1"  In the reference list, the references must be numbered and listed in the order of appearance in the text.  In each cited reference, if there are more than six authors, only the name of the first three authors are given followed by the words "et al."  If there are six authors or fewer, list all author names.  The name of each cited journal should be abbreviated using Index Medicus style.
    Journal article
               Sukrittanon S, Watanapa WB, Ruamyod K. Ginsenoside Re enhances small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ currents in human coronary artery endothelial cells. Life Sci. 2014 Oct 12; 115(1-2): 15-21.
    Book chapter
               Srisuma S, Wagner EM. Chemokine regulation of angiogenesis. In: Lazaar A, editor. Bronchial vascular remodeling in asthma and COPD, Lung biology in health and disease series. New York: Marcel Dekker; 2006. p 95-114.
               Boron WF, Boulpaep EL, editors. Medical physiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2009.
        Unpublished experiments, papers in preparation, etc. may be mentioned only in the text; they must not be included in the list of References.
        A paper which has been accepted for publication but which has not appeared may be cited in the References with the abbreviated name of the journal followed by the words "In press". The date of acceptance of each such paper should be indicated.
        Personal communications may be used only when written authorization from the communicator is submitted with the original manuscript; they may be mentioned only in the text.
              Figure Legends: This should be on a separate page and describe brief details of each figure.
              Tables: Each table should be on a separate page.  In general, Tables and Figures should be constructed so that they, together with their captions and legends, are intelligible with minimal reference to the text.
              Figures: Each figure should be on a separate page.  Care should be taken to present data in a precise manner. For example, histograms should not be used when the data can equally well be given in a table.  High-resolution black and white figures are preferable.  Files of all illustrations should be submitted in a form suitable for direct reproduction.  Color figures can also be submitted.
  4. Authors are required to provide a concise running title with their manuscript submission. The running title should not exceed 80 characters (including spaces) and must accurately reflect the main topic of the manuscript. This will be used as a header in the published article.
  5. Pages should be numbered in succession, the title page being page 1.
  6. Drug names should be the official or approved names; trade names or common names may be given in brackets where the drug is first mentioned. The manufacturer's name must be given. The doses of the drugs should be given as unit weight per unit body weight, e.g. mmol/kg or mg/kg, concentrations should be given in terms of molarity, e.g. mM or mM or as unit weight/unit volume solution, stating whether the weight refers to the salt or the active component of the drug. The molecular weight, inclusive of water of crystallization, should be stated if doses are given as unit weight.


  1. Symbols for physical units should be restricted to the SI units (Le Système International d'Unités or the International System of Units). Examples of commonly used symbols can be found in Biochem J 145: 1-20, 1975 and more detailed description, in Quantities, Units and Symbols (1971), The Royal Society, London.
  2. The excessive use of abbreviation in the text is strongly discouraged. In particular, awkward and unfamiliar abbreviations and those intended to express concepts or experimental techniques will not be permitted. In order to aid communication between scientists of different disciplines, authors should only use abbreviations sparingly and should always define the abbreviation when first used by placing it in parenthesis after the full term, e.g. acetylcholinesterase (AChE).


  • Reprints will be emailed to the correspondent author as a PDF file free of charge. 



These are articles that review current research work in the area that has major advancement or of interests by the readers. The papers may be invited and/or reviewed by referees and the authors are fully responsible of their articles. Contributors must follow the general instructions where applicable.

Original Articles

These are complete papers of experimental research in any branch of physiological sciences. The articles accepted for publication will be made upon the consideration that they describe significant and new findings and that adequate experimental details are given.

Short Research Communications

These are short reports of experimental research, which have been considered that the results should be distributed quickly. The experimental data recently displayed in any scientific meeting are also encouraged for publication. The maximum length allowance is 1500 words.

Case Report.

A maximum of 2 figures and 1 table are allowed with up to 10 references.  The maximum length allowance is 1500 words.

Letter to the editor.

 A letter should be no longer than 1,000 words with no more than 1 figure and/or 1 table and should discuss or comment on an article previously published in the JPBS. A short research letter is also considered to be published under this category. Up to 10 references are allowed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.