Odour-Induced Saltiness Enhancement (OISE) for Sodium Reduction in Foods

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Gonkana Thanarungroj
Varapha Kongpensook


A survey of the World Health Organization has reported that the average of sodium consumption worldwide is twice higher than the Recommended Dietary Allowances, which causes health problems and increases risks of non-communicable chronic diseases. However, lower salt content in foods affect directly on consumers’ acceptability of products, since the sensory qualities are altered. Studies on ways for reducing sodium contents in foods which not impact to consumers’ acceptability are very necessary. This article reviews about the Odour-Induced Saltiness Enhancement (OISE), which is a technique using odours related or associated with salty taste for increasing the overall saltiness in foods. Anyhow, there are factors impact on OISE, such as types and concentration of odorants, salt concentration or salty-taste intensity before adding an odour and other compositions in food matrix. The experiences and training of sensory assessors are also reported. Hence, the studies of OISE are very interesting and useful for development of sodium-reduced food products.

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How to Cite
Thanarungroj , G. ., & Kongpensook, V. . (2021). Odour-Induced Saltiness Enhancement (OISE) for Sodium Reduction in Foods. Journal of Food Technology, Siam University, 16(1), 1–9. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JFTSU/article/view/245416
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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