Using Project-Based Learning to Develop Learning Achievement in Statistics Course for Bachelor Students at Pattani Technical College

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Afifi Lateh


The objectives of the semi-experimental research were to investigate the learning achievement in a statistics course and to explore attitudes toward statistics using project-based learning. The participants were thirty-three students majoring in electrical technology and automotive technology at Pattani Technical College who enrolled the course as a core subject in the first semester of academic year 2017. The course is composed of theories with practice and project sections in the parallel form, and it was evaluated by the task skill form, the final test, the project evaluation form, and the SATS-36 form. The findings revealed that the mean of the learning achievement for college students after attending classes was above 70 percent, and eleven projects were developed by all students. Some examples of project titles were satisfaction on the LED light bulb consumption and people’s opinion on the racetrack opening in Pattani Province. Students in both groups had a rather agreeable attitude toward the effort in studying statistics and the interest in this subject.

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How to Cite
Lateh, A. (2020). Using Project-Based Learning to Develop Learning Achievement in Statistics Course for Bachelor Students at Pattani Technical College. Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Research Journal, 12(1), 49–60. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Afifi Lateh, คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์

Department of Educational Evaluation and Research, คณะศึกษาศาสตร์  มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์, Pattani Campus, Muang, Pattani 94000, Thailand.


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