Human Resource Development to Enhance Competitiveness of the MICE Industry in Songkhla
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MICE industry is the industry that delivers service and products to customers through the management from human resources who have high potential. Therefore, human resources become the most important part of the MICE industry. Moreover, human resources must be equipped with high skills, potential and experience in management. In addition, the knowledge of psychology should be applied in order to efficiently serve and respond to the customers’ needs. The research aims to study the potential of human resources in MICE industry and present the guidelines for the human resource development to increase the competitive advantages in MICE industry in Songkhla province. This research was conducted by using qualitative methods. The data were collected by in-depth interview from 11 key informants who are administrations of relevant public and private organizations in MICE industry. Research finding presents 4 aspects of competitive human resource desired in MICE industry in Songkhla province: 1) Foreign languages communication skills, 2) Services skills, 3) Information Technology skills, and 4) Event management skills. The suggestion of this study is to support and develop the human resource in MICE industry to be able to communicate professionally, provide excellent service, be creative, and have innovative thinking and administration and marketing skills to increase competitive advantages of MICE industry in Songkhla province.
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The content and information in the article published in Journal of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya It is the opinion and responsibility of the author of the article. The editorial journals do not need to agree. Or share any responsibility.
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