Restructured Class of Ratio Type Exponential Estimators for Estimating the Population Means in Simple Random Sampling


  • Napattchan Dansawad Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand.


ratio estimators, population mean, auxiliary variable, mean squared error


This paper proposes a restructured class of ratio type exponential estimators for estimating the population means under simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) scheme. The author has developed the estimator proposed by Cochran (1977), Sisodia and Dwivedi (1981), Singh and Tailor (2003), Singh and Tailor (2003), Subramani and Kumarapandiyan (2012), Bahl and Tuteja (1991), and Kadilar (2016). The expressions for the Mean Squared Error (MSE), and Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) of approximation have been obtained. In addition, the values of MSE and Percent of Relative Efficiencies (PRE) have also been compared with the considered existing competing ratio estimators both theoretically and numerically under the same conditions. The results of this study show that the proposed estimators perform better than the existing ratio estimators.


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How to Cite

Dansawad, N. (2024). Restructured Class of Ratio Type Exponential Estimators for Estimating the Population Means in Simple Random Sampling. Recent Science and Technology, 16(2), 545–556. retrieved from



Research Article