Comparison of Growth Rate, Feed Intake and Feed Cost of Mud Crab, Scylla paramamosian and S. olivacea Fattening


  • Pakkaramai Suwannakij Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
  • Nasamon Meekaew Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
  • Vutthichai Oniam Klongwan Fisheries Research Station, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Muang, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77000, Thailand.
  • Rungtiwa Konsantad Klongwan Fisheries Research Station, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Muang, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77000, Thailand.
  • Wasana Arkronrat Klongwan Fisheries Research Station, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Muang, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77000, Thailand.
  • Anurak Sookdara Klongwan Fisheries Research Station, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Muang, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77000, Thailand.
  • Jitima Suwanmala Department of Agricultural and Fishery Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, Mueang, Pattani 94000, Thailand.


mud crab fattening, growth, cost


The objectives of this study were to compare the growth, feed intake and feed cost of mud crab fattening under hatchery conditions. Two treatments used in the study were: 1) fattening of mud crab species Scylla paramamosian and 2) species S. olivacea, with 15 replicates per treatment, at 20 days. The results showed that S. paramamosain had an average percentage of body weight gain (11.15±2.54%) and specific growth rate (0.70±0.15%/day) higher than S. olivacea (9.05±2.55% and 0.57±0.15%/day, respectively). However, both crab species exhibited similar daily feeding rates, averaging 2.95±0.54 and 2.71±0.59% of body weight/day for S. Paramamosain and S. Olivacea, respectively. The average feed cost for cultivating both crab species did not significantly differ, ranging from 149.35 to 159.80 baht/kg. From the research, the cultivation of S. Paramamosain resulted in higher weight gain compared to S. Olivacea, highlighting the significance of crab species in influencing growth outcomes. This finding emphasizes the importance of considering crab species as a crucial factor in the economic aspects of crab cultivation, aiming for higher production yields.


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How to Cite

Suwannakij, P., Meekaew, N., Oniam, V., Konsantad, R., Arkronrat, W., Sookdara, A., & Suwanmala, J. (2024). Comparison of Growth Rate, Feed Intake and Feed Cost of Mud Crab, Scylla paramamosian and S. olivacea Fattening. Recent Science and Technology, 16(1), 67–76. retrieved from



Research Article