The Development of Electronic Commerce for Product of Mango from Bangkhla Distric, Chachoengsao


  • Nattee Pinthong Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University



Electronic Commerce, , Mango, Bang Khla, Chachoengsao


The objectives of the research were (1) to survey of information of mango’s farmer in Bangkhla distric, Chachoengsao (2) to examine the potential, the knowledge and the requirement of the development of electronic commerce for product of mango from Bangkhla distric, Chachoengsao (3) to develop of electronic commerce for product of mango from Bangkhla distric, Chachoengsao (4) to publish the development of electronic commerce for product of mango from Bangkhla distric, Chachoengsao and (5) to evaluate the experimental group’s satisfaction in term of development of electronic commerce for product of mango from Bangkhla distric, Chachoengsao. The study was develop with SDLC model designed in three parts. The survey research appeared in first part approach collected data by research in document and the second part with questionnaire which was responded by a sample group of 12 peoples in farmer. The research and development (R&D) appeared third part with develop the system of electronic commerce, then the model was implemented by an experimental group of 217 peoples. Research results, the development of electronic commerce following in SDLC Model, start with collected data, questionnaire by a farmer, analysis the data, then to implementing, testing and evaluating the system. The results of evaluate performance was at a high level (X = 4.33, SD = 0.23), aspect of design in high level (X = 4.42, SD = 0.25), aspect of functional in high level (X = 4.30, SD = 0.28) and aspect of security in high level (X = 4.28, SD = 0.29)


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How to Cite

Pinthong, N. (2020). The Development of Electronic Commerce for Product of Mango from Bangkhla Distric, Chachoengsao. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 38(1), 50–57.



Technical or research paper