Correction of 2,4-D, Injury in Cotton with Urea , Sucrose and Irrigation


  • ก้อนทอง พวงประโคน


cotton, urea, glucose, irrigationฝ้าย


Pot and field trials were conducted at NaKhon Sawan Field Crops Research Center in 1992-1993 to correct injured cotton caused by 2,4-D Urea, sucrose, and bayfolan were treated to injured cotton. Result from pot tril indicated that 2,4-D at 10 ppm reduced cotton yield 18-36%. Soil application of urea (37.5 kg/ha) could not increase yield of injured cotton. However soil application of urea in pot trial increased leat area of injured cotton. Weekly spray (foliar application) of urea (2.0%), sucrose (2.5%) and bayfolan (5 cc/L) did not affect growth and yield of injured cotton under pot and field trials. Weekly irrigation of 30 mm wter during drought perid and beyond rainy season extended growing period of injured cotton and two harvests were possible. Yield of injured cotton with irrigation was 41.3% over yield of injured cotton without irrigation.
It is recommended that yield reducgion of cotton damaged by 2,4-D can be slightly recovery with irrigation until the second set of bolls comjplete their development.



How to Cite

พวงประโคน ก. (2020). Correction of 2,4-D, Injury in Cotton with Urea , Sucrose and Irrigation. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 16(3), 242. Retrieved from



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