Suphanburi 50 Juice Cane Variety


  • วันทนา ตั้งเปรมศรี


Suphanburi 50 is the first juice cane variety released by Department of Agriuculture on July 1, 1966. It was selected from open-cross of SP 074. The selection was done at Suphan Brui field Crops Research Center in 1990. The preliminary and standard yield trials were done during 1991-1995. The results showed that the mean of juice yield of Suphanburi 50 from 34 locations was 1.3 times heigher than widely grown variety, Singapore. The juice color was green yellow and tasty. The mean of juice brix was 10 percent higher than Singapore. The mean of stalk per rai of Suphanburi 50 was 91 percent higher than Singapore. Suphanburi 50 shwoed good ratoon ability and tolerance to smut, white leaf and red rot diseases.



How to Cite

ตั้งเปรมศรี ว. (2020). Suphanburi 50 Juice Cane Variety. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 15(1), 66–73. Retrieved from



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