Multi-biological aspects and Sustainable Agricultural Development


  • อำพล เสนาณรงค์


Large quantity of empty fruit bunch (EFB) is residue in palm oil milking process. The plant nutrient value of empty bunches is high enought to return to the soil and it is considered economically cost effective, i.e. N 0.158%, P (P2O5) 0.08% , k (K2O) 0.70% and Mg (MgO) 0.08%. In addition, empty buncher application can be beneficial to crop performance and soil physical and chemical characteristics.
This paper highlights the relevance of nutrient recycling and soil physic improvement by using empty fruit bunch in oil palm plantation. Empty fruit bunch application as mulching 150 kt/palm/year with fertilizer 15-10-30, 2.875 kg/palm/year produced average yield of oil palm (5-8 years old) 2,936 kg/rai while using fertilizer 15-100-30, 5.75 kg/palm/year gave 3,096 kg/rai.



How to Cite

เสนาณรงค์ อ. (2020). Multi-biological aspects and Sustainable Agricultural Development. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 14(2), 132–138. Retrieved from



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