Evaluation of Promising Juice Cane Clones in Abandoned Upland Paddy Field under Rainfed Conditions in Songkhla Province


  • Monthikarn Sungnui Songkhla Field Crops Research Center
  • Emorn Petthong Petthong Office of Research and development, agricultural Region 3
  • Somchai Pa-oblek Songkhla Field Crops Research Center




Juice cane, abandoned paddy fleld, Suphanburi 50


The objective of this experiment was to evaluate five promising juice cane clones (UTj10-2, UTj10-3, UTj10-12, UTj10-15, UTj10-19) and two control varieties (Suphanburi 50 and Malaysia) on abandoned upland paddy field under rainfed conditions in Songkhla province. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications was used. We found that for planted sugarcane, UTj10-3 gave significantly greater yield than UTj10-2 and UTj10-15 but showed no significant differences in yields with the other varieties and clones. It also gave higher amount of juice than the other varieties/clones tested. For ratoon sugarcane, Suphanburi 50 attained a significantly greater yield than UTj10-2 and Malaysia but showed no significant differences with the other varieties/clones. Suphanburi 50 also gave no significantly differences in juice yield from that of Utj10-3 but showed significantly higher juice yield than the others. For planted  sugarcane, Malaysia had significantly greater %Brix than Suphanburi 50 and UTJ10-15 but showed no differences from the others. Significant differences in %Brix among varieties/clones, however were not observed for ratoon sugarcane. Overall results suggested that clone Utj10-3 was more suitable than other varieties/clones to be grown in abandoned upland paddy field under rainfed conditions.


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How to Cite

Sungnui , M. ., Petthong , E. P. ., & Pa-oblek, S. . (2020). Evaluation of Promising Juice Cane Clones in Abandoned Upland Paddy Field under Rainfed Conditions in Songkhla Province. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 38(2), 198–206. https://doi.org/10.14456/thaidoa-agres.2020.15



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