Negative Impacts of Toxic Material Contamination in Soils and Plant Nutrient Balance


  • Preeda Parkpian


toxic materials, soil contamination, nutrient balance


Excessive amounts of toxic chemicals such as heavy metals, pesticides and toxic organics and inoganics if accumulate in the soil beyond the limits ae undesirable. They may pose some phytoxic effects on plant growth and development. More often they interrupt microbial activities which in turn slow down the decomposition rates of soil organic matter. Likewise nutrients release including their absorption may also be impaired. As a result, nutrient imbalance (toxicity or dificiency) may be developed in the plant. Nutrient imbalances or disorders if occur in the soil usually affect crop production in at least 3 ways : a) depressing yield; b) affecting quality and c) enhancing susceptibility to disease. Further those pollutants in soils may disturb the pools of plant nutrients directly. Because of this crop's quality and nutritious values are also suppressed. Honce close attentions should be paid to concentrations of toxic materials in soils including their bioavailability to all living species and possible mobility.



How to Cite

Parkpian, P. . (1995). Negative Impacts of Toxic Material Contamination in Soils and Plant Nutrient Balance. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 13(3), 236. Retrieved from



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