Methods of Controlling Storage Pests by Using Seed Treatments


  • Charuwqn Bangwaek


Rice, storage pests, seed treatment


Seed of LMN 111 and HTA 60, deepwater rice varieties were treated by 5 treatment, i.e., extract of Neem leaf (Azadirachta indica) and Eupatol leaf (Eupatorium odortum) (20 g leaf/20 ml water/1 kg seed), lime (20 g CaCO3 / 1 kg seed), pirimiphos-methyl (2 ml/20 ml water/1 kg seed), and untreated seed (control). Within the 8-12 month-storage period, it appered that the percentage of insect-damaged seeds and grain weight loss of the seed treated with the Neem leaf, Eupatol leaf extract and lime were less than those of the untreated seeds, but not significantly different from those of the seed treated with pirimiphos methyl. Additionally, treating seeds with the Neem leaf and eupatol leaf extract did not affect seed germination and vigor.



How to Cite

Bangwaek, C. . (1993). Methods of Controlling Storage Pests by Using Seed Treatments . Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 11(1), 15–23. Retrieved from



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