Study on Methods of Planting of Sweet Corn after Rice and Their Profits


  • สถาพร กาญจนพันธุ์


method of plating corn, rice, spacing, profit


We studied the growth, yield, profit and effect of sweet corn planting on rice yield in the next season. The experiment was conducted on a clay soil at Chainat Rice Experiment Station 1987-1990. Four treatments: (1)dibbling on the rice studbbles, (2) dibbling after burning stubbles, (3) dibbling after land preparation and (4) no planting as check plot were laid out in a RCB design with 4 replications.
Treatment 3 showed the highest average yield of sweet corn (6,883 ears/rai) and gave a profit 1,816 baht/rai. Treatment 1 gave a profit 1,556 and treatment 2 gave a profit 1,284 baht/rai. The highest profit was obtained from a combination of rice and sweet corn yield attributed to conventional tillage of sweet corn at a cost of 2,557 baht/rai. Yield of rice after planting of sweet corn in every treatment were higher than planting only rice around 3-7%



How to Cite

กาญจนพันธุ์ ส. . (1991). Study on Methods of Planting of Sweet Corn after Rice and Their Profits. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 9(2), 84–87. Retrieved from



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