Study on the Preparation of Protein Supplementary Crackers by Addition of Full Fat Soy and Defatted Groundnut Flour


  • Somchai Prabhavat


tapioca cracker, full fat soy flour, defatted groundnut flour


Crackers were prepared from tapioca starch, tapioca starch containing 10, 20, 25, 30% of defatted groundnut flour and 10, 20, 25, 30% of full fat soy flour by weight respectively. It appeared that cracker made from tapioca starch, tapioca starch containing 10 and 20% of defatted groundnut flour and tapioca starch containing 10 and 20% of full fat soy flour were more acceptable than the rest of samples. The protein contents of cracker made from tapioca starch containing 20% of defatted groundnut flour and tapica starch alone was only 0.55 and 0.84%. The protein quality of cracker made from tapioca starch containing 20% of defatted groundnut flour and from tapioca starch containing 20% of full fat soy flour showed higher chemical score of methionine + cystine, and tryptophan, 63-66 and 120-150% respectively, compared to 43 and 50% of cracker from tapioca starch alone.



How to Cite

Prabhavat, S. . (1991). Study on the Preparation of Protein Supplementary Crackers by Addition of Full Fat Soy and Defatted Groundnut Flour . Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 9(2), 93–101. Retrieved from



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