Inheritance of Lobed Leaflets and Multiple Leaflets in Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)


  • Wiboon Sripisut


Inheritance of leaflet shape and leaflet munber inmungbean were studided. Two pollen parents, V2773-S and V5926, were used as donors of lobed leaflets and multiple leaflets respectively, and crossed with normal mungbean lines, VC1973A, VC1560D, VC2755-54, C33, M8 and UT. In order to study genetic heritability and possible linkage among the genes controlling the two traits, F1 progenies were crossed between V2773-S/VC1973A and A5926/VC1560D, V2773-S/VC1560D and V5926/VC1973A; the donor parents were also crossed together.
Observations of teh F1 progenies together with Chi-square tests for goodness of fit of F2 progenies revealed that lobed and trifoliate leaflets respectively, were dominant to normal and multiple leaflets. Each trait was governed by a single locus gene on different chromosomes.



How to Cite

Sripisut , W. (1986). Inheritance of Lobed Leaflets and Multiple Leaflets in Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) . Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 4(3), 192–200. retrieved from



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