Variability in Soil Analysis Results of the Klang, Satuk and Chokchai Soil Series


  • Sangjun Srisaichua


The variability in conventilonal laboratory measurements of a number of chemical properties was measured for soil samples in three important soil series, Klang sand, Satuk loamy sand and Chokchai clay. The properties measured were pH, lime requirement organic matter content, phosphorus and potassium levels. Statistical analyses were carried out to give the upper and lower 99 percent confidence limits for each soil test value. An error allowance of 5 percent was used to give a reasonalbe range for each soil test.
The acceptable pH ranges (1:1) of the Klang sand, Satuk loamy sand and Chokchai clay were 3.8-4.4, 4.7-5.3 and 4.1-4.7, respectively. The lime requirement for the Klang sand was estimated at 1250 kg/ha, and for the chokchai clay 3125 kg/ha. Organic matter content (Walkley and Black) ranges were 0.55-0.64%. 0.45-0.51% and 2.29-2.57% for the Klang, Satuk and Chokchai Series, respectively. Extractable phosphorus levels (Bray - II) for the three soils should lie between 3 - 4 ppm and 8 - 10 ppm. Acceptable ammonium acetate extractable potassium concentrations were 6 - 8 ppm. 68 - 79 ppm and 107 - 123 ppm for the Klang, Satuk and Chokchai Series, respectively.



How to Cite

Srisaichua, S. (1985). Variability in Soil Analysis Results of the Klang, Satuk and Chokchai Soil Series . Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 3(1), 17–21. Retrieved from



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