Diseases of Oil Palm in Thailand
In 1980 A survey of oil palm plantations was made during 1976 - 80 to record diseases and disorders of the crop. Fungal, bacterial, viral and non-infectious diseases and disorders were identified. Those recorded in the survey or reported by elesewhere as having been identified in Thailand for the different growth stages of the crop indlude; (i0 germination-brown germ disease; (ii0 nursery stage - Curvularia seedling blight, Helminthosporium leaf spot,
Anthracnose, chlorotic steak, and nursery spear rot; (iii) field plantings - Curvularia seeding blight, algal disease, crown disease, frond rot, spear rot, bud rot, little leaf disease, Marasmiusbunch rot, fruit rot, Ganadermar trunk rot, charcoal base rot, and sudden wilt.
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Thai Agricultural Research Journal