Development Soybean Combine harvester attached to Small Tractor


  • Wuttiphol chansrakoo Department of Agriculture
  • Wantana somnuek Department of Agriculture
  • Pirom taewpeay Department of Agriculture
  • Akkaparp panphoom Department of Agriculture
  • Mongkol thunhaw Department of Agriculture
  • Sittipong srisawangwong Department of Agriculture



combine harvester, soybean, small tractor


Labor shortage is major problem of soybean harvesting. Using of large-sized combine harvesters were limited in terms of wastage and the typical soybean plot is not meticulousness in plowing and preparing the soil for planting was unsuitable for large machinery. The Objective of this research was to develop a prototype of soybean combine harvester attached to a small tractor for reducing soybean yield losses. A prototype of soybean combine harvester was designed and constructed for attached to 21 hp tractor. The important components of development i.e. cutting, conveying, threshing, and cleaning were appropriate proportion of the size of the tractor. Performance evaluation of prototype was investigated in field trail. The results it was found that field capacity 0.55 rai per hour, field efficiency 70.24%, fuel consumption rate 3.45 liters per rai, total loss 9.58%, cleaning efficiency 96.21% and none grain breakage in the condition of sowing cultivation. It was found that field capacity 0.32 rai per hour, field efficiency 74.59%, fuel consumption rate 7.57 liters per rai, total loss 18.86%, cleaning efficiency 85.50% and none grain breakage in a row growing conditions. It has been shown that in a sowing cultivation the combine harvester has higher field capacity and cleaning efficiency more than in a row growing conditions. The rate of fuel consumption and the total loss was lower than in a row growing conditions. The prototype was able to utilize in further to development of a tractor-mounted soybean combine harvester for commercial purposes.


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How to Cite

chansrakoo, W. ., somnuek, W. ., taewpeay, P. ., panphoom, A. ., thunhaw, M. ., & srisawangwong, S. . (2021). Development Soybean Combine harvester attached to Small Tractor. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 39(3).



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