Study on Nutrient Requirement for Bird Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) Grown on Clay Loam Soil at Kanchanaburi Province


  • chattanaporn kueanoon Soil Science group, Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture
  • Sainam Udpuay Soil Science group, Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture
  • Nutchanat Tunwan Soil Science group, Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture
  • Kitchamet Chaengsirikul Soil Science group, Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture
  • Willawan Kraikruan Horticultural Research Institute



bird chili (Capsicum annuum L.), nutrient requirement, cow dung manure, clay loam soil


A field study on the nutrient requirement of bird chili (Capsicum annuum L.) grown on clay loam soil was conducted at Kanchanaburi Agricultural Research and Development Center in Kanchanaburi province, during 2017-2019. Treatments were laid out in 2x2x2+1 factorial in RCB with three replicates. The treatments were two levels of nitrogen (10 and 20 kg N/rai), two levels of phosphorus (5 and 10 kg P2 O5 /rai) and two levels of potassium (12 and 24 kg K2 O/rai), In total, nine treatments consisted of without fertilizer (0-0-0)andeight treatments of fertilizer, and cow dung manure at the rate of 1,000 kg DW/rai was added to all plots. Results showed that nutrient concentration in bird chili plant (shoot+leave) was N>K>Ca>Mg>P and decreased with increasing plant growth stage, but Ca concentration increased with increasing the plant growth stage. While total nutrient uptake in whole plant (shoot+leave+pod) during flowering stage to fruiting stage showed that N and K uptakes were not different but both were higher than Ca P and Mg uptakes. Total nutrient uptake was as followed: N 18.61, K 13.51, Ca 9.77, Mg 2.93 and P 1.77 kg N, K, Ca, Mg and P/ rai, respectively. We recommended that the fertilizer application at the rate of 10-10-12 kg N-P2 O5 -K2 O/rai + cow dung manure at the rate of 1,000 kg DW/rai was most appropriate for bird chili planting at Kanchanaburi province in clay loam soil which had 2.0% soil organic matter, and 13 and 115 mg/kg available P and exchangeable K, respectively. It resulted in the highest yield and maximized benefit for economic returns in the highest VCR 24.


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How to Cite

kueanoon, chattanaporn, Udpuay, S. ., Tunwan, N., Chaengsirikul, K., & Kraikruan, W. (2022). Study on Nutrient Requirement for Bird Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) Grown on Clay Loam Soil at Kanchanaburi Province. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 40(1).



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