The Potential of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana for Controlling Coffee Borer Beetle (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari) in Laboratory Conditions
coffee bore beetles, entomopathogenic fungi, Metarhizium, BeauveriaAbstract
We studied the potential of using entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) for controlling coffee borerbeetle (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari, CBB).The experiment was conducted in laboratory at Entomology and Zoology Group, Plant Protection Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture from October 2018 to September 2020. Nine representative fungal isolates i.e Metarhizium anisopliae DOA-M8, DOA-M145, DOA-M146, DOA-M147, DOA-M150, Beauveria bassiana DOA-B4, DOA-B18, DOA-B19 and DOA-B20 were selected. Concentration of each inoculum was adjusted to 1x108 conidia ml-1. Results of insect mortality showed that all fungal isolates infected CBB within 14 days after inoculation, B. bassiana was more effective than M. anisopliae in controlling CBB, showing lower LT50 values than that of M. anisopliae. Two B. bassiana isolates (DOA-B4 and DOA-B18) were selected to test for optimal conidial concentration for controlling CBB. Results showed that at 1x109 conidia ml-1 the average infestation of DOA-B18 was 94.2%, the LT 50 were 7.29 days. Thus, DOA-B18 would be the most suitable isolate for controlling CBB in coffee plantation.
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