Types of Grains for Cordyceps militaris Cultivation to Obtain High Yield and High Content of Cordycepin
Cordyceps militaris, cultivation, cordycepinAbstract
The study of type of grains to cultivate Cordyceps militaris to obtain high yield and high content of cordycepin was conducted at Chiangrai Horticulture Research Center from October 2019 - September 2020. Randomized complete block design with 7 treatments and 4 replications was applied. Seven grains used were Jasmine brown rice, Jasmine white Rice, Riceberry Rice, Sao Hai white rice, Japanese rice, RD 43 and Job’s tears. We found that Job’s tears gave the highest yield, highest cordycepin and adenosine content as well as highest biological efficiency. Rice var. RD 43 gave the lowest fresh and dried weight of fruit bodies and lowest both corycepin and adenosine and biological efficiency..
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