Effect of Packaging and Storage Period on the Quality of Chiang Mai 60 Soybean Seed
soybean variety CM 60, packaging, storage, accelerated agingAbstract
Seed qualities of Chiangmai 60 soybean cultivar under cold and ambient storage conditions were studied. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of soybean seeds storedindifferent types ofpackaging at various length of times under controlled (15 °C - 45% RH) and room temperature (28-35 °C, 76-91% RH). The experiment was laid out in split plot with 3 replicates. Five packages consisting of 1) foil bag 2) foil vacuum bag 3) polyethylene bag 4) polyethylene vacuum bag 5) woven bag were used as main plot. Storage time of 0-10 months were used as subplots. Soybean seed were sampled at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 months to determine seed germination, vigor, speed of germination, seed moisture
content and fungal contamination. Results showed that storage of soybean seeds after 10 months at 15°C- 45% RH had higher germination percentage, higher vigor than those stored under room conditions. while seeds stored in foil bag, foil vacuum bag, polyethylene bag and polyethylene vacuum bag had higher germination index than those stored in a woven bag. Chiangmai 60 soybean seeds stored in a foil vacuum bag at 15°C and 45% RH could be kept for 8 months and still could be used for planting.
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