Relationship between Seed Qualities and Storage Periods of Three Sweet Corn Varieties

Papassorn Wattanakulpakin1* Supalak Sattayasamitsathit1 KantimaThongsri 1


  • Papassorn Wattanakulpakin Phitsanulok Seed Research and Development Center, Seed Research Development Division, Department of Agriculture
  • Supalak Sattayasamitsathit Phitsanulok Seed Research and Development Center, Seed Research Development Division, Department of Agriculture
  • Kantima Thongsri Phitsanulok Seed Research and Development Center, Seed Research Development Division, Department of Agriculture



sweet corn, seed quality evaluation, storability


The relationship between seed qualities and storage periods of three sweet corn varieties at ambient for 10 months were investigated. The suitable parameters found would be used as a method for seed quality and storage evaluation. Results showed that the decrease of standard germination (SG), germination after accelerated aging (GAA), radicle emergence (RE), field emergence (FE) and the increase of electrical conductivity (EC) were related with the longer storage time in all varieties. Increase of soluble sugar content (SS) along the storage period was observed in DOA1 and PV2 varieties, but SS of PV1 remained almost unchanged until the end of storage time. According to Plant Act B.E. 2518. the storability of sweet corn seeds is at 60% minimum standard germination. In DOA1 variety, the storage time was 8 months with 60% SG. Moreover, we observed high correlation coefficient (r), up to 0.80, between SG and GAA, RE, FE and EC, and between GAA and RE, FE and EC. In case of PV1, the storability was 7 months with 74% SG. The r value of up to 0.80 in the relationship between SG and GAA, RE and FE, and between GAA and FE were also observed. Meanwhile, the shelf life of PV2 variety was only 4 months as indicated by the 63% SG, and the r value up to 0.80 in the relationship between SG and GAA, RE and FE, and between GAA and RE and FE were found. The SS content showed negative correlation with SG and vigor, but the r value was lower than 0.80 in all varieties. Our research suggests that GAA, RE and FE methods are applicable and would be introduced to quality and storability assessment in sweet corn seeds for all varieties. Moreover, the test duration were 3 days for RE, 10 days for GAA and 14 days for FE tests.


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How to Cite

Wattanakulpakin, P., Sattayasamitsathit, S. ., & Thongsri, K. (2023). Relationship between Seed Qualities and Storage Periods of Three Sweet Corn Varieties : Papassorn Wattanakulpakin1* Supalak Sattayasamitsathit1 KantimaThongsri 1. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 41(1), 60–69.



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