Fertilizer Suitable, Germination Stimulation of Cocklebur Seeds and Seedling Materials for Cocklebur Sprouts Production


  • Dr.Puttinun Jarruwat Chanthaburi Agricultural Engineering Research Center
  • Yut Thonmo Rayong Agricultural Research and Development Center 322/11 T.huaipong, A.muang, Rayong, 21150. Tel.083-6713972
  • Prasert Upatham Rayong Agricultural Research and Development Center 322/11 T.huaipong, A.muang, Rayong, 21150. Tel.089-6641442
  • Jutarat Ketnok Rayong Agricultural Research and Development Center 322/11 T.huaipong, A.muang, Rayong, 21150. Tel.085-7646913
  • Thanawat Tipchit Chanthaburi Agricultural Engineering Research Center, 27 M.1 T.plubpla, A.muang, Chantaburi 22000. Tel. 065-9563525
  • Thanawat Tipchit Chanthaburi Agricultural Engineering Research Center, 27 M.1 T.plubpla, A.muang, Chantaburi 22000. Tel. 065-9563525
  • Anusorn Suvanweing Chanthaburi Agricultural Engineering Research Center, 27 M.1 T.plubpla, A.muang, Chantaburi 22000. Tel. 097-0304358




Cocklebur, rate of fertilizer, the germination stimulation, seedling material


Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) is a local vegetable found in the eastern region, especially in the Prasae river basin, Rayong province. It is a local vegetable that has the potential to be promoted for commercial production. In order to increase the yield and obtain quality cocklebur sprouts we studied on rate of fertilizer suitable for commercial cocklebur production, investigated the germination stimulation of cocklebur seeds and compared  growing media suitable for cocklebur sprout production. Results showed that suitable formula and rate of fertilizer for commercial cocklebur production were 15-15-15 and 40 kg/rai respectively. The yield of cocklebur seeds under the said fertilizer regime was 443 kg/rai and the average weight of 30.53 g/100 fruits which were higher than the conventional method of no fertilizer application which were 309 kg/rai and the average weight of 30.47 g/100 fruits. Results of germination stimulation of cocklebur seeds showed that soaking the seeds in 0.25% (v/v) ethephon solution for 24 hr was able to stimulate seed germination. After 5 and 7 days of sowing, average germination percentages were 47.5% and 61.5%, respectively. They were higher than the conventional method that soaked seeds in water for 2 months, which yielded average germination percentages of 27% and 43.5%, respectively. The comparative study on growing media suitable for cocklebur sprouts production indicated that paddy soil mixed with coconut coir at a ratio of 1:1 was the best treatment. The germination of cocklebur sprouts was 95.25 % and the average sprouts weight of 15.04 g/100 fruits which had higher germination than the conventional method which used only paddy soil which had an average germination of 85.5% and the average weight of 11.32 g/100 sprouts.


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How to Cite

Jarruwat, D., Thonmo, Y., Upatham, P., Ketnok, J., Tipchit, T., Tipchit, T., & Suvanweing, A. (2022). Fertilizer Suitable, Germination Stimulation of Cocklebur Seeds and Seedling Materials for Cocklebur Sprouts Production. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 40(3). https://doi.org/10.14456/thaidoa-agres.2022.25



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