Effects of Soil and Fertilizer Management on Soil Carbon Sequestration and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Maize Field
Soil organic carbon, rice straw mulch, no-tillage, carbon balance, carbon dioxideAbstract
Increasing soil organic carbon in agricultural fields through carbon sequestration is one of the strategies for mitigating climate change and improving soil fertility. Field experimental studies were carried out in a long-term field in Lopburi Seed Research and Development Center from 2017 to 2020 to clarify the effects of soil and fertilizer management on soil organic carbon change (SOC) and CO2 emissions in maize cultivation. Eight treatments with the combination of rice straw mulch (RS), no organic matter application (NoOM), tillage (Till), no-tillage (No-till), chemical fertilizer application (Chem) and no chemical fertilizer application (No-chem) were conducted in RCB with 3 replications. Results showed that CO2 emissions from soil surface in RS, Till, and Chem did not differ with an average of 3.3 t CO2/rai /year. RS increased SOC stock by 3.0 t C/rai which was greater than NoOM (2.5 t C/rai), but the rate of organic carbon accumulation in soil was lower. Whereas SOC stock change in Till did not differ from No-till. Similarly, SOC accumulation in Chem was not different from that of No-chem. C balance analysis showed RS, Till, and Chem decreased SOC stock by 39-65 kg C/rai /year, despite C input to the soil by returning maize-mung bean residues was high (649-719 kg C/rai /year). This might be caused by no increase in conversion rate of total organic C input to SOC stock change, resulting in decreased SOC storage. The results of this study could clarify SOC stock changes in upland fields under tropical conditons. However, further studies of C dynamics in different site conditions and soil properties should be undertaken.
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